Tuesday, June 14, 2011

15 Things I Don't Do Anymore...

  1. Think everything is about me. (its not, and it never has been.)
  2. Throw tantrums to get my way. (this only made me look childish)
  3. Put my friends before my family. (family is very sacred to me.)
  4. Question God's plan for my life. (Jeremiah 29:11)
  5. Have 'friends' that bring me down and only bring negative into my life. (they were never friends anyway.)
  6. Think clothing labels define me as a person. (if I shop, its yardsales, goodwill and ross.)
  7. Compromise my morals and what I know is right for "love" (song of solomon 8:5.)
  8. Never apologize when I'm wrong. (I hurt when I know I've hurt people.)
  9. Listen to music that glorifies things of this world. (positive, uplifting music changes your attitude.)
  10. Depend on money for my happiness. (a garden hose is just as much fun on a hot summer day as shopping.)
  11. Think the dishes are more important than storytime. (they can wait.)
  12. Think that manual, hard work is beneath me. (having no husband, I do things myself or they aren't done at all.)
  13. Hate cats. (I love Chloe.)
  14. Think any situation is hopeless. (With God, all things are possible.)
  15. Hold onto a grudge. (Let it fly, release, and forgive.)


Anonymous said...

I love this, I'm so glad that when we decide to follow God he changes us, for the better in insurmountable ways!

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